
Dex: The All-In-One Hub for Esports


Dex is an eSports SaaS white labeling tool that allows for quick scaffolding and branding for leagues, organizations, gamers, and coach’s to connect and organize tournament play without having to navigate the intricacies of a Discord server and dozens of manually entered (and maintained) spreadsheets that are all used today. Dex currently has minimal design work done, and needs help building out our registration and navigation flows, as well as general helping building and launching a workable MVP. They currently have a minimal pitch deck and a roughly-coded website leveraging existing APIs.

Our team was brought in to bring this product one step closer to launch. During this 3-Week sprint, we worked on developing an MVP that can be presented to first-round investors. Once funding is in place, Dex can start working to alleviate gamers' many pain points.


End-to-end Product Designer


Daniel Park

Holly Jackson

Ty Allen


November 2021 | 3-Week Sprint

Methods and Approach

User Research, Personas, Journey Mapping, Competitive/Comparative Analysis, Feature Prioritization, Wireframing, Usability Testing, Prototyping, Mockups, Client Relations

High-Fidelity Prototype Walkthrough

League Manager's Flow

Gamer's Flow

More Coming Soon!